Improve UX For A Better Business

How to improve the user experience? Here are some practical actions. When reading the pillars of user experiences, surely, some actions and strategies that allow promoting it come to mind. Precisely, here we will delve into those key practices that drive the User Experience and guarantee the achievement of great results. You should consider a usability testing framework.

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1. Deploy a strong WPO strategy

In this interconnected age, in which the user experience is largely digital, web performance optimization (WPO) efforts are key. Offering an optimized and implacable website, from a technical point of view, eliminates friction in the interaction and communication processes, giving solidity to the visitor experience. Among the key and strategic tasks of WPO, the following stand out: 

Strategic selection of hosting and content manager

The selection of these key elements depends a large part of the functionality value of the page and the facilities to manage it. In the end, the hosting service is the one that will host the web in a safe, stable and well-structured space so that it continues to work. At the same time, the CMS (content manager), like WordPress, is the tool in which each web page will be created, organized and edited, being a very important factor for search engines to track them and for users to interact with them. Creating engaging copy is also vital. 

Loading speed optimization work

A fast website encourages the user to interact with all its pages and functionalities, which can lead to conversion phases. Compressing images and disabling plugins that do not add value are some of the WPO tasks that boost loading speed. Another important point is the choice of the theme of the web, since some themes can be too heavy to load and reduce the agility of the display of the pages.

Give interactivity to the pages

As you already know, originality and innovation are part of the pillars of the user experience.

For that reason, it is important to aim for the interactivity of the pages and platforms, so that they guarantee a dynamic, different and captivating experience. Given this reality, a very appropriate step is the use of interactive content solutions, which allow for the practical inclusion of animated resources and highly functional materials on sites and blogs that attract attention, such as:

  • Ebooks 
  • Interactive templates
  • Videos 
  • Landing Pages
  • Tutorials
  • Infographics 

Use words and messages that captivate and excite 

To go a step beyond the functionality and the technical, you must develop actions aimed at humanizing the experience and evoking feelings. Good UX Writing practices come into play. And it is that this element not only serves to order the content, guide the user and promote intuitiveness. UX Writing also involves including words and messages in legends and small text fragments that connect with the user and evoke their feelings. A great user experience is vital for your business and getting to know your customers is equally important. It’s time to take your business to the next level. 

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