Stop Hiding Your Online Store! Here are 5 Tips to Get Your Name Out There

If you’ve been running an online store for any length of time, you know that it’s not always easy to get your name out there. In fact, it can be downright difficult at times! You might be putting a lot of effort into your marketing and still not getting the results that you want. If … Continue reading

The 3 Reasons Why Targeted Ads Work

Targeted ads work! Today, people are connecting over the internet through social media. The platforms that they use to communicate with others are so accessible and easy to use that it has been changing the face of society. In a post-internet society, Facebook has become the most popular social platform. More than 2 billion active … Continue reading

Brand Fresh – Keeping It Real On Facebook (and everywhere)

brand fresh

Keeping your brand fresh, relevant and understood is an area of business that’s misunderstood by many. However, every successful business must have a plan to keep its brand fresh over many years… and decades. One of the best ways to keep your brand fresh, especially if you’re working on a shoestring budget, is to use … Continue reading

Online Marketing Campaigns to Consider for Your Small Business

Online marketing campaigns have risen to the top of our marketing consciousness. Myriad options provide opportunities but also confusion for the average small busines owner. So how can you cut through? Traditional forms of marketing, such as billboards, posters, and leaflets are all still alive and kicking. However online marketing campaigns are a serious and … Continue reading

Keep Existing Customers by Enhancing Their Experience

existing customers

Existing customers should NOT be taken for granted. In fact, you should be actively finding ways to enhance the customer experience of those who already buy from you. A business needs customers to be successful, right? It’s quite an obvious fact, I know. However, many business owners take existing customers for granted and assume they … Continue reading

Charity Marketing: How To Succeed

charity marketing

Charity marketing, or marketing a not-for-profit organization, is highly competitive as more charities work for the donation dollar.   If you run a charity, then first, well done. It’s a tough job with little reward other than whatever you take from it. But, it is just like running a business. You will need to pay … Continue reading

A Marketing Strategy for $500? Yup! That’s Right

A Marketing Strategy for $500

A marketing strategy for $500? This may not seem believable at first, but it is totally possible to launch a successful marketing campaign for your business with only $500. Yes. We said it. We said those three things in the same sentence; $500 Successful Marketing.   You see, a high impact marketing campaign simply requires … Continue reading